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The Corner Magazine is a multicultural magazine for teen males between the ages of 13-18 years old. Our mission is to empower young men with information that will inspire them to make better choices in life. The Corner Magazine will educate, encourage and entertain young men from all walks of life to become better men and have an understanding and awareness in buy exelon online no prescription. learning about their health, technology, education, fashion, entertainment and social behavior.

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Our magazine will be used as a platform to enlighten other young men in their communities and way of life in their work.


Our vision is to encourage and challenge young males to become better men by providing them with lowest price for flovent hfa 110 mcg. information to help them set goals and succeed in life.

Meaning of our name "The Corner"

We always associate the street corner as something negative, especially in the inner city. Parents don't want their children hanging on the street corner. What if you could create a safe street corner, a corner without drugs, alcohol, gangs and violence, and a corner without all the negative things associated with a street corner in the inner city? We are a corner that is safe, fun, and teaches you a better way of cheap brand cialis canadian. life. Now parents can feel safe to let their children hang out at the street corner. Teens can now feel safe walking and having fun playing on the street corner. All because this is our corner, your corner, "The Corner"! Come hang out at "The Corner" and make it yours. Tell us what you want to see, listen to, read about, write about, even do on "The Corner".

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    March 2, 2011 4:43 pmPosted 13 years ago
    Scotty Daniels (Top Comment)

    Great idea Tim. I’ll Help put the word out.

  • March 19, 2011 10:11 pmPosted 13 years ago
    Jessica Hope Murrell

    Hello! I met you all today at Marry Durham! I love this site, and the mission! This is something that Durham Public School system needs to implement along with other districts in the country!!!!

    Have a Great week!

  • March 23, 2011 12:56 amPosted 13 years ago
    Randie Forne`

    “Bang No More” a Theatrical Stage Play by Randie Forne`
    Computer wiz-kid, B.J. joins a street gang and discovers a life-shattering truth with devastating consequences! Education, drama, humor and action bring this story to a climatic, profound and awakening conclusion!
    WHEN: Sun./Mar. 27 (2-SHOWS) 1 p.m. & 7 p.m.. WHERE: St. Augustine’s Col. (Seby Jones Arts Center) 1315 Oakwood Ave. Raleigh, NC FREE ADMISSION!!!! FREE RESOURCES !!!!!! GOOGLE: Bang No More – St. Aug.

  • April 20, 2011 6:45 pmPosted 13 years ago
    Joyce Taylor

    Hi, I met you at the Community Day at Saint Augustine’s College. I am very excited about your magazine and your vision. I think it will be a fantastic tool for self-development for young boys and young men.
    Hanging out at “The Corner” truly has taken on new meaning. I look forward to future issues and the success of your magazine.

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    May 15, 2011 10:58 pmPosted 13 years ago

    Edwin, I think this is absolutely AWESOME! Tell me how I can help you out in this venture.

  • August 17, 2011 10:13 amPosted 13 years ago
    Kevin Fulton

    The ” MISSION, VISION & MEANING “, sounds like a needed plan of action to reach our male youth.
    I look forward to reading more on your website today. Stay blessed and know that your mission is highly
    favored and will become a contributing tool that will empower or teenage males.

    An Exclusive Excerpt from: THE PLAGUE ( a spoken words selection ), from POETOGRAPHY, HEAR ME THOUGH,
    written by the self-proclaimed, AUTHOR & POET KEVIN FULTON.

    My brother not long ago, I was living in the life of the hood, up to no good, bad deeds were many.
    Concieved in mischief my sins are plenty. Then one morning it dawned on me, homeless was i walking
    through the streets. No one would put up with me, because of the way i used to be.
    When i had it going on, sure they was around. When i fell off, no one would dare to be found,
    with me, cause i was in the grease mixed with the dirt down in the streets.
    This flashed through my mind as i walked the streets, god knows no more do i wanna be,
    homeless and high with know place to go, cast upon me a blessing lord and save my soul.
    Please set me free, God i believe, i believe lord i believe.

    Log on to: and check out his literary collection on the Home Page, and click on to the links on his BIO., Page for more information posted on various social websites.

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    November 5, 2011 8:57 amPosted 13 years ago
    Nell Nichols

    This is a wonderful idea! It has the potential to reach so many of the young men who are searching for and needing direction in their lives. Count on me for support whenever I can!

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    December 9, 2011 8:02 pmPosted 13 years ago

    Edwin – Enjoyed looking through your magazine last month after my wife and I met you in November. You’ve got some good stuff here! Kids deserve this kind of content in their lives – trusting your magazine will take off and make a difference for many!

  • April 12, 2012 10:33 amPosted 12 years ago
    Marquis Crews

    It was a pleasure meeting yall yesterday and I look forward to seeing this grow and serve our community well for years to come…

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    November 15, 2012 12:31 pmPosted 12 years ago
    Rose Patterson

    Tim I will definitely spread the word about this awesome magazine. I feel privileged and proud to witness your great talents at work for a needed community cause.

  • February 4, 2013 9:14 amPosted 11 years ago
    Valerie Fearrington

    Edwin, this is a great idea and much needed for our young men. Great seeing you this past weekend and let me know how I can help in any way. Keep up the GREAT work!

  • February 4, 2013 2:52 pmPosted 11 years ago

    Thanks Val, it was nice seeing you as well. I will definitely let you know how you can participate because we always need help. I’ll be in touch through your email.

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    April 18, 2013 9:47 pmPosted 11 years ago
    Joyce L. Warren

    This is a wonderful concept and the content is great. I look forward to seeing you at our youth conference and thank you for attending.

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    June 7, 2013 9:00 amPosted 11 years ago
    Rev Wanda Crisp

    Hello Brother Timberlake! I just wnated to check with you to see if you can feature Orange Crossroads Baptist Church’s Youth conference flyer on your site. You can find the information on my facebook events page My page name is Wanda Jones-Crisp. Are You still on for speaking at the event on Saturday June 15th?

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    December 22, 2013 5:27 pmPosted 11 years ago
    corey flythe

    I was working in the new edition of the corner magazine and It was a lot of fun working editing and making the artical!! cant wait till a new one is in progress so I can help!! :)


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